Monday, March 7, 2011

LA Vocabulary - Week 4 - Exercise 3 - 7-11 March 2011

Exercise III
Study the following roots, prefixes, and suffixes and then answer the questions. Consider the literal meaning of each word.

A root meaning mother - mater
A root meaning father - pater
A prefix meaning not or the opposite of - un

1. One word meaning not important is ____________________.
2. The hospital ward where a mother goes to have her child is the ___________________ ward.
3. Would your paternal grandparents be your mother’s parents, or your father’s?
4. One word meaning not attached is ____________________.
5. To lock and to bolt are words that mean somewhat the same thing. What are two other words that mean the opposite of lock and bolt? __________________ and _________________.
6. Another word for “tedious” or “boring” is ____________________.
7. Maternal instincts describe what kind of instincts? ___________________________________.

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